Recruiting & Hiring with Diversity in Mind

Many companies are now making investments toward specific measurable diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) goals and initiatives—and they’ve also realized that in order to make a holistic change, they have to start with their hiring process.

Implementing strategic DEI&B priorities can be challenging without the right support, but we’re here to help!


Our DEI&B Statement

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging aren’t just buzzwords—they’re foundational values by which the most innovative and successful companies operate. We recognize that systemic inequalities exist, and we as a staffing agency are committed to identifying and addressing them in all aspects of our business and beyond.

We believe that everyone should feel welcome in the workplace—regardless of the visible and invisible qualities that make us who we are, we should all feel valued, supported, and empowered to bring our whole selves to work. Our mission is to provide exceptional staffing services to our client partners and candidates while promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in everything we do to create a more just and equitable world for everyone.


Our Diversity Hiring Process

Whether it’s a quick conversation or a long-term consulting engagement, here’s how we help companies shift their thinking and make diversity hiring a priority:

Understand your DEI&B goals

A core component of increasing diversity in a company is directly aligned to your recruitment strategy. We take the time to understand your overall company goals as well as your DEI&B priorities and create a strategy to connect them to your hiring efforts.

Audit your current efforts

Here’s the part where we review all aspects of your hiring — your job descriptions, applications, interview process, and all points in between — and take note of strengths and weaknesses. We want to be sure that you’re making the process as flexible and inclusive as possible for you and your candidates.

Provide you with a roadmap

Diversity recruiting means being active with recruitment and resisting the urge to do things the way they’ve always been done. We’ll guide you through taking some risks and trying some new ways of engaging with candidates — being open to change will reap benefits for your company’s hiring in the long term.


Diversity at your company starts with the way you hire.

DEI&B work can be a challenge—there are no easily measured metrics or boxes to check. It’s the kind of change and work that takes time and commitment, and it often begins with taking a close look at your holistic hiring process.

The first step of the process: job descriptions. We worked with a team of experts to establish some best practices to help you craft job descriptions with DEI&B in mind. Download our whitepaper to start leveling up your DEI&B hiring strategy.

Our Certified
Diversity Recruiters


Meet Theresa

“Diversity and inclusion is something that’s always been with me from a philosophical standpoint, and when I began my career in recruiting, I was struck by two key learnings: the pool of candidates in particular industries was incredibly homogenous, and how many times candidates were being assessed on their name, appearance, pedigree, or what school they attended.

I wanted to change that, and the CDR certification has been helpful in that quest. Many companies want to cultivate an inclusive culture, but that can’t begin until a company hires those who have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It can seem overwhelming, and I’m here to help them make that journey a little easier.”


Meet Lydia

“As an IT Recruiter working over the past (almost two?!) decades, watching the diversity in the industry grow has been exciting. Obtaining my CDR Certification felt like a great next step, as diversity and inclusion in the workplace is so crucial to enhancing the employee experience that we highlight.

Understanding cultural biases—and how to avoid or reframe them—has been helpful in supporting both our Partners and Candidates alike. It’s an important part of ‘Care, Be Real, Have Fun!’”

Lydia Lightfoot

Meet Joy

“As a recruiter I engage with a wide range of candidates daily, and I’m passionate about embracing diversity and nurturing inclusivity. Becoming a Certified Diversity Recruiter through AIRS helped me gain insights into how to comprehend varied perspectives and provided me with strategies to ensure that I am practicing DEI when I’m sourcing candidates.

My overarching goal is to create a positive candidate experience, and I firmly believe that in the dynamic and ever-evolving career landscape, this approach will not only benefit the individuals I work with but also contribute significant value to the organizations Carex collaborates with.”

Joy Kurber